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School Visits

I am pleased to announce that I am available for events and appearances! These can include, but are certainly not limited to, 


- Library visits 

- School visits (both individual classrooms and school-wide talks and appearances)

- Book clubs 

- Festivals and conferences 

- Conversation partner for a book launch

- Book fair appearances 


I am available for both physical appearances and virtual appearances (via Zoom or Google Meet). Free virtual visits within the range of 5-15 minutes in length are possible. Please reach out via my contact form for details and arrangements!


My school or library visit presentation typically will be 30 minutes, followed by a 15-20 minute Q&A session. I usually like to speak about


  • How I became a writer 

  • My experience as a young(er) author in the publishing industry

  • My writing process and what it currently looks like

  • The stories that inspire me and how your favorite books can cultivate your own words (for example, how The Secret Garden led to A Bit of Earth!)

  • Why people write retellings (and why young writers may want to explore writing them, too!)

  • The backstory and creation of the title I've been invited to discuss (for instance, I would love to talk about my return to poetry - after years of loving it but also not feeling good at it! - for A Bit of Earth)


My presentation emphasizes the importance of reading and writing, both academically and creatively, particularly as I have been - for the majority of my career - both a student and author simultaneously, and can definitely go at great length about what a balancing act it takes and offer tips on productivity and time management along with writing advice, prompts and activities (if a workshop is desired). 


Please do let me know whether you would like the formal presentation (with accompanying slides and remarks), a workshop format, or if you and your students or audience would like an informal presentation where the audience’s participation and questions guide the flow of my discussion and dialogue with you. I also appreciate knowing if the students or group has already read The Gauntlet and/or A Bit of Earth, so I can be prepared accordingly. 


Please refer to the contact form for how to inquire about rates, availability and potential travel (I am open to visiting out of state events and schools!)



















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